
( Jiankou )

Jiankou (Chinese: 箭扣; pinyin: Jiànkòu) is a section of the Great Wall of China. In English, 'Jiankou,' is translated to 'Arrow Nock' as the shape of the mountain resembles an arrow with the collapsed ridge opening up, reminiscent of an arrow nock. The wall is 20 km long and located 73 kilometres (45 mi) north of Beijing in the Huairou District. The Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China is located between the Mutianyu and the Moshikou sections of the Great Wall of China. It is built on a steep mountain ridge and a popular hike amongst visitors.

As well as natural causes, human activities are increasingly raising concern for the preservation of this section of the wall, as "the lack of work on the wall made it picturesque, but dangerous".

This tourist attraction was temporarily suspended during 2020 due to covid-1...Read more

Jiankou (Chinese: 箭扣; pinyin: Jiànkòu) is a section of the Great Wall of China. In English, 'Jiankou,' is translated to 'Arrow Nock' as the shape of the mountain resembles an arrow with the collapsed ridge opening up, reminiscent of an arrow nock. The wall is 20 km long and located 73 kilometres (45 mi) north of Beijing in the Huairou District. The Jiankou section of the Great Wall of China is located between the Mutianyu and the Moshikou sections of the Great Wall of China. It is built on a steep mountain ridge and a popular hike amongst visitors.

As well as natural causes, human activities are increasingly raising concern for the preservation of this section of the wall, as "the lack of work on the wall made it picturesque, but dangerous".

This tourist attraction was temporarily suspended during 2020 due to covid-19.

The Jiankou section of the wall was constructed in 1368 during the period of the Ming dynasty.[1] During the Ming Dynasty, this wall was continuously rebuilt and reworked up until 1644.[1] It is made from dolomite, a white sedimentary carbonate rock.[2]

^ a b Ruggeri, Amanda (2020-08-09). "Jiankou: China's remote and dangerous Great Wall". BBC. Retrieved 2020-10-28. ^ "Jiankou Great Wall, Beijing: How to Reach, Hiking Tips". www.travelchinaguide.com. Retrieved 2019-03-29.
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