
( Uthina )
Uthina is also a spider genus (Pholcidae)

Uthina or Oudna (Arabic: أوذنة) was an ancient Roman-Berber city located near Tunis, Tunisia.

Uthina was a town in the province of Africa Proconsularis, now northern Tunisia.[1]

Uthina became a Roman colony of veterans of Legio XIII Gemina during the reign of Emperor Augustus.[2] Hence, it was mentioned by Ptolemy (IV, 3, 34), Pliny the Elder,[3] and the Tabula Peutingeriana.[4]

From the accounts given by geographers the site seems to be the ruins that form the archeological site of Oudna, near a station on the railway from Tunis to Kef and not far from what was the World War II Oudna Airfield. These ruins occupy a surface nearly three miles in circumference, covering a hilly plateau, and commanding the left bank of the Milian wady; there are remains of a fortress, cisterns, an aqueduct, a triumphal arch, a theatre, an amphitheater, a basilica with a circular crypt, and a bridge. Many mosaics are to be found there as well.

^ Hitchner, R., DARMC, R. Talbert, R. Warner, J. Becker, S. Gillies, T. Elliott (May 2018). "Places: 315247 (Uthina)". Pleiades. Retrieved November 15, 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) ^ Mary Taliaferro Boatwright (1 December 2002). Hadrian and the Cities of the Roman Empire. Princeton University Press. pp. 86–. ISBN 0-691-09493-4. ^ Plin. HN 5.29.3 http://latin.packhum.org/loc/978/1/327/168-174 ^ "Name: Vthica".
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