Museu Faller de València

The current Museu Faller de Valencia has been installed since 1971 in the old Convent of the Casa Missió de Sant Vicenç de Paül, which was completed in 1831, which is why it preserves part of a structure of corridors and old cells. Later it had multiple uses, as a prison, barracks or warehouse. The Faller Museum was rehabilitated and restructured at the beginning of the nineties of the century xx, being reopened in 1995. In 2016 the Faller Museum was approved as an official Museum of the Generalitat Valenciana, being restructured again in its museological and museographic approaches. One of the novelties of this restructuring was the launch of the "Josep Alarte" temporary exhibition hall, dedicated to anthological exhibitions of the work of fall artists.

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Rafa Esteve - CC BY-SA 4.0
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