Museo ideale Leonardo da Vinci

( Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci )

The Museo Ideale Leonardo da Vinci is located in Vinci, Leonardo da Vinci's birthplace, in the province of Florence, Italy. It is part of the Museo leonardiano di Vinci.

The museum was inaugurated on October 2, 1993, under the patronage of the Regione Toscana, Provincia di Firenze, and the Municipality of Vinci. Support was provided by the Armand Hammer Center for Leonardo Studies (University of California at Los Angeles) and Raccolta Vinciana [it].

The museum director is Alessandro Vezzosi and the President of the International Association is Agnese Sabato. Carlo Pedretti was the honorary president until his death on January 5, 2018.

The museum was founded by scholars and artists as the first museum dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci. His works as an artist, scientist, inventor, and designer are explored through the theory of the Imaginary Museum.[1] The museum has developed exhibitions such as:[citation needed]

Leonardo Art, Science and Utopia in Toronto in 1987 Leonardo Disappeared and Found in Florence in 1988 Leonardo News and Myth in Rome, 1989 and in Budapest, in 1991

It also created the first CD-Rom dedicated to Leonardo, Leonardo: The Digital Painting (ACTA, 1989).

^ Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci, Leonardo's Tuscany
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