Museo Automovilístico de Málaga

The Málaga Automobile and Fashion Museum is a museum dedicated to automobiles and fashion located in the old building of the Royal Tobacco Factory in the Spanish city of Malaga.[1]u200b The idea of u200bu200bits creation arose in 2007 and it is considered a dedicated place to art, culture and entertainment. [2]u200b The museum has 6000 square meters with a collection of vehicles and fashionable.[3]u200b In addition, it has a national presence and international. [4]u200b

The Málaga Automobile and Fashion Museum is a museum dedicated to automobiles and fashion located in the old building of the Royal Tobacco Factory in the Spanish city of Malaga.[1]u200b The idea of u200bu200bits creation arose in 2007 and it is considered a dedicated place to art, culture and entertainment. [2]u200b The museum has 6000 square meters with a collection of vehicles and fashionable.[3]u200b In addition, it has a national presence and international. [4]u200b

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