Mam Rashan Shrine Home asia Iraq Mam Rashan Shrine Description Mam Rashan Shrine is a Yazidi site built in the 12th century located on Mount Sinjar in Iraq. The shrine is dedicated to Pîr Mehmed Reşan, a Yazidi holy figure associated with agriculture, rain, and the annual harvest. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Submit Reset More information Photographies by: Zones Iraq Statistics: Position 5525 Statistics: Rank 16336 Add new comment Comment About text formats CAPTCHA Security Code 513974268Click/tap this sequence: 5191 Esta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado. Save Google street view Google street view Where can you sleep near Mam Rashan Shrine ? What can you do near Mam Rashan Shrine ? Laliş Lalish دير مار متي Mor Mattai Monastery نينوى Nineveh عقرة Akre جامع الموصل الكبير Mosul Grand Mosque Amêdî Amedi دير مار إيليا Monastery of Saint Elijah كالح Nimrud أربيل Erbil جامع جليل الخياط Jalil Khayat Mosque Rewandiz Rawandiz Hoşap Kalesi Hoşap Castle Isla Akdamar Serhas Yazıtı Xerxes I inscription at Van Van Kalesi Van Fortress Gola Ûrmiyeyê Lake Urmia Zeynel Bey Türbesi Dara (antik kent) Dara (Mesopotamia) Ahlat Selçuklu Mezarlığı Tombstones of Ahlat View more on the map 6.501.671 visits in total, 9.285 Points of interest, 405 Destinations, 231 visits today.
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