Γιαλί Τζαμί

( Küçük Hasan Pasha Mosque )

The Küçük Hasan Pasha Mosque or Yalı Mosque (Greek: Γιαλί Τζαμί, from Turkish: Yalı Camii, lit. 'Shore Mosque') is a former Ottoman mosque and exhibition hall in Chania, Crete, Greece.

The building was originally constructed as a mosque after the conquest of Chania by Ottoman Empire in 1645 to honor Küçük Hasan Pasha. After the Greco-Turkish population exchange in 1923, the mosque ceased to function and in 1939 its minarets were demolished. During World War II, it housed the Archaeological Museum of Chania. Later on, it was used as storehouse, folklore museum, visitor center and exhibition hall.[1][2][3]

^ "Küçük Hasan Pasha Mosque (Giali Tzamisi)". Cretan Beaches. Retrieved 13 April 2022. ^ "Küçük Hasan Pasha Mosque". Religiana. Retrieved 13 April 2022. ^ "Küçük Hasan Pasha Mosque". Hydramis Palace. Retrieved 13 April 2022.
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