Kaple Panny Marie (Stožec)

The Chapel of the Virgin Mary or also Stožecká kaple is a wooden pilgrimage chapel located in the mixed forests near České Žlebů in the territory of the village of Stožec in Volarsk at an altitude of 950 m above sea level. Above the chapel is the Stožecká rock (974 m above sea level), from which the village of Stožec and part of the Šumava can be seen in clear weather. Near Stožka there is one branch of the Vltava river, which is still a small river up to 5 m wide, called Studená Vltava. The chapel is protected as a cultural monument.

The Chapel of the Virgin Mary or also Stožecká kaple is a wooden pilgrimage chapel located in the mixed forests near České Žlebů in the territory of the village of Stožec in Volarsk at an altitude of 950 m above sea level. Above the chapel is the Stožecká rock (974 m above sea level), from which the village of Stožec and part of the Šumava can be seen in clear weather. Near Stožka there is one branch of the Vltava river, which is still a small river up to 5 m wide, called Studená Vltava. The chapel is protected as a cultural monument.

Photographies by:
Martin Vavřík - Public domain
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