Crucea Eroilor de pe Muntele Caraiman

( Heroes' Cross on Caraiman Peak )

The Commemorative Cross to the Romanian Heroes of the First World War (Romanian: Crucea comemorativă a eroilor români din Primul Război Mondial), also called the Heroes' Cross on Mount Cairaman (Crucea Eroilor de pe Muntele Caraiman) is a monument built between 1926 and 1928 on Caraiman Peak at an altitude of 2,291 m located in Romania, in the Bucegi Mountains of the Southern Carpathians. It has a height of 39.3 metres (129 ft) and the nearest town is Buşteni. The name of the monument is "The Heroes' Cross", but it is popularly known as the "Cross on Caraiman".

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Asybaris01 - CC BY-SA 4.0
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