Grand Bassin (Maurice)

( Ganga Talao )

Ganga Talao (commonly known as Grand Bassin) is a crater lake situated in a secluded mountain area in the district of Savanne, deep in the heart of Mauritius. It is about 550 m (1,800 ft) above sea level. It is considered the most sacred Hindu place in Mauritius. The first group of pilgrims to Ganga Talao were from the village of Triolet and led by Giri Gossayne from Terre Rouge in 1898.

The Shiv Mandir is located on the bank of the lake and is dedicated to Shiva, one of the principal deities of Hinduism. There are temples dedicated to other gods as well, including Lord Hanuman, Goddess Ganga, and Lord Ganesh along the Grand Bassin. During Shivaratri, around half a million Hindus in Mauritius go on a pilgrimage to the lake, many walking barefoot from their homes carrying Kanvars.

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Evangelidis - CC BY 3.0
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