The Frietmuseum (Fries museum) is a museum in Bruges, Belgium, which is devoted to the history of potatoes and the production of Belgian fries. It describes itself as "the first and only museum dedicated to potato fries".

The Frietmuseum (Fries museum) is a museum in Bruges, Belgium, which is devoted to the history of potatoes and the production of Belgian fries. It describes itself as "the first and only museum dedicated to potato fries".

The museum was founded in 2008 by Eddy Van Belle, who had previously opened two other museums in Bruges, both based in one building: Choco-Story, which is dedicated to Belgium's chocolate industry, and Lumina Domestica, which houses Van Belle's 6,500-piece collection of lamps.[1] Inspired by the popularity of Choco-Story, Van Belle had researched the possibility of a museum dedicated to fries, and was encouraged to open the Frietmuseum after discovering that no similar museum existed elsewhere.[1]

^ a b Barkham, Patrick (3 May 2008). "Land of the friet". The Guardian. Retrieved 8 May 2012.
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