Flakstad kirke

( Flakstad Church )

Flakstad Church (Norwegian: Flakstad kirke) is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Flakstad Municipality in Nordland county, Norway. It is located in the village of Flakstad. It is the church for the Flakstad parish which is part of the Lofoten prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland. The red, wooden church was built in a cruciform style in 1780. The church seats about 300 people. It is the millennium site for Flakstad Municipality.

The long, low church building is a cog-jointed construction using timbers clad externally with red-painted wooden paneling, as was usual at the end of the eighteenth century. The small-paned windows have white frames. The roof is covered with tiles and a ridge turret with an onion dome and spire crowns the intersection of the cross arms.

Photographies by:
Jon Olav Eikenes from Oslo, Norway - CC BY 2.0
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