Festival du chant de marin de Paimpol


The Sea Shanty Festival in Paimpol (Gouel kan ar vartoloded in Breton) is a musical and international shipping which takes place every two years in the port of Paimpol (Côtes-d'Armor).

Mainly dedicated to sea shanties and old boats from all over the world, the old rigs, this maritime gathering created in 1989 takes as its theme for each edition a continent or a region, representative of the music of the seas of the world. Visitors can discover their songs, their boats and their gastronomy.

The Sea Shanty Festival, organized by the Paimpolais association ADEPAR in 1989 and 1991, taken over since 1997 by an association supported by the municipality of Paimpol, renamed Sea Shanty Festival in 2007.

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