Piramidi di Plata

( Earth pyramids of Platten )

The earth pyramids of Platten (German: Erdpyramiden von Platten or Erdpyramiden bei Oberwielenbach; Italian: Piramidi di Plata [piˈraːmidi di ˈplaːta]) are earth pyramids located in Platten in the municipality of Percha, near Bruneck in South Tyrol, Italy.

The erosion area is located at an altitude of 1550 to 1750 meters. What is so impressive about the pyramids of Platten is their wildness which reminds at the same time also of their fragility.

The pyramids of Platten belong to the most beautiful natural monuments of South Tyrol such as the earth pyramids of Ritten and part of the earth pyramids of South Tyrol.

They were described in a scientific manner for the first time by Karl Meusburger in 1914 .

Photographies by:
Vid Pogacnik - CC BY-SA 4.0
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