Дом Севастьянова

The House of Sevastyanov (also The House of Trade Unions) is a historical and architectural monument located in Yekaterinburg at 35 Lenina Prospekt (Lenin-Gorky intersection).

One of the local attractions, the architecture of which stands out among the mansions of the city. The building of the former District Court, where in 1918 the country's first Ural Commissariat of Labor was located. It was built in the first quarter of the 19th century on the banks of the City Pond formed by a dam on the Iset River.

By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 624 of December 4, 1974, it was recognized as a historical monument of national importance. In 2008, the Sevastyanov House was included in the list of cultural heritage sites of federal significance.

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A.Savin - FAL
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