Château de Rustéphan

The Château de Rustéphan is a small, ruined 15th–16th-century manor-house in Nizon, part of the commune of Pont-Aven in the Finistère département of France. It was erected by Jean du Faou, chamberlain of France and grand seneschal of Brittany, who built the domaine in 1420.

The original manor was built by the son of a Duke of Brittany, named Étienne, Count of Penthièvre, and seigneur of Nizon, who died in 1137.[1]

The current structure was built by Jean du Faou. According to some historians, it was a former hunting lodge of the Dukes of Brittany, in the 15th and 16th centuries. Its position at the entrance of a large wood that covers the entire parish of Nizon, and which abounds in game, makes this plausible.

During the French Revolution, more than half of the manor house was burned and destroyed.

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