Ruta del Cares

( Cares Trail )

The Cares Trail or Ruta del Cares is one of the most popular trekking paths within the Picos de Europa, the route is situated between the province of León and Asturias, in Spain. It runs from the Asturian village of Puente Poncebos to Posada de Valdeón through Caín in Leon along the Cares Canyon. In the old times, the route was the only way to reach both towns during the snow seasons in the winter.

The Cares Trail was first opened in the mountain rock along the Cares river's canyon between the years of 1916 and 1921 to provide maintenance, food and supplies to the hydroelectric powerplant of Camarmeña - Poncebos; It was later improved and expanded between 1945 and 1950.

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