The bisse du Ro is a bisse located above Crans-Montana in the canton of Valais, Switzerland.

5 kilometers long, it is between 1,750 and 1,450 meters above sea level.

Built in the XIVe< /abbr> century, the bisse was modified in 1925 to bring water from Lake Huton to the Ertense due to the low flow of the torrent. It was abandoned in 1947 when it was channeled in its entirety. Today it has become a 3 hour hiking trail. The bisse crosses strong cliffs where all passages are secured.

The new Bisse du Ro was renovated and filled with water in 2015 for the first twenty minutes of walking. Afterwards, it remains as before, with passages carved into the rock.

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Rozefiz - CC BY-SA 4.0
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