Basilica di San Vitale (Ravenna)

( Basilica of San Vitale )

The Basilica of San Vitale is a late antique church in Ravenna, Italy. The sixth-century church is an important surviving example of early Byzantine art and architecture, and its mosaics in particular are some of the most-studied works in Byzantine art. It is one of eight structures in Ravenna inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its foundational inscription describes the church as a basilica, though its centrally-planned design is not typical of the basilica form. Within the Roman Catholic Church it holds the honorific title of basilica for its historic and ecclesial importance.

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Commonists - CC BY-SA 4.0
Petar Milošević - CC BY-SA 4.0
Petar Milošević - CC BY-SA 4.0
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