
( Bagaya Monastery )

The Bagaya Monastery (Burmese: ဘားဂရာ ကျောင်း), located in Inwa, Mandalay Region, Burma (Myanmar) is a Buddhist monastery built on the southwest of Inwa Palace. This magnificent monastery is also known as Maha Waiyan Bontha Bagaya Monastery. During King Hsinbyushin's reign (1763–1776), Maha Thiri Zeya Thinkhaya, town officer of Magwe built the monastery in the Bagaya monastic establishment and dedicated to Shin Dhammabhinanda. It is one of the famous tourists attractions in Burma.

This teak wood monastery was first built in 1593 about 11 miles (18 km) from present-day Mandalay. During King Bagyidaw (1819–1837), a great fire broke out on 15 April 1821. Many important buildings, including the Bagaya Monastery, were burnt in the fire. The government tried to reconstruct in 1992 and built the new brick building in the place of the old monastery for the use of Buddha image and Pitaka scriptures. It was recorded that the monastery was constructed based on the model of the old monastery.[1]

In 2016, the abbot of Bagaya Monastery requested that the monastery's large collection of palm-leaf manuscripts be transferred to the National Library of Myanmar for preservation and conservation.[2] The National Library digitised the manuscripts in 2018, in partnership with the Pali Text Society.[2]

^ "Inwa (Ava)". Retrieved 26 April 2013. ^ a b "Archives". Myanmar Manuscript Digital Library. Retrieved 2023-03-25.
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