
( Aogashima, Tokyo )

Aogashima (青ヶ島村, Aogashima-mura) is a village located in Hachijō Subprefecture, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. It is the least-populated municipality in Japan, with an estimated population of 169 and a population density of 28.2 persons per km2 as of 2018. Its total area is 5.96 square kilometres (2.30 sq mi).

It is uncertain when human settlement first began on Aogashima, but the island was known to be inhabited in the early Edo period, and is mentioned in historical records kept by the Tokugawa shogunate in Hachijōjima. During a major volcanic eruption in 1785, a large number of islanders perished, and the remainder were evacuated to Hachijōjima. An 1835 census reported 241 inhabitants (133 men, 108 women), mostly engaged in fishing.

On April 1, 1940, the island came under the administrative jurisdiction of Hachijō Subprefecture. The population is centered on two hamlets; Yasundogō (休戸郷) in the east and Nishigō (西郷) in the west.

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Soica2001 (talk) - Public domain
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