Ağa Hamamı

( Ağa hamamı )

Ağa Hamamı is a historical Turkish bath (Turkish: hamam) located on Turnacıbaşı street in the Taksim Square neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed by İbrahim Ağa in 1454.

Ağa Hamamı is a historical Turkish bath (Turkish: hamam) located on Turnacıbaşı street in the Taksim Square neighborhood of Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed by İbrahim Ağa in 1454.

The Ağa Hamamı was constructed for Fatih Sultan Mehmet as a private hamam for him and his sons. At that time, Beyoğlu District was not settled and the Padishahs would come there for hunting. The sultan constructed this building as a hunting house in 1454. Ağa Hamamı was designed as a hamam below the two flats above. It underwent a large-scale renovation in 1844 by Abdülmecid I . It was used by the Padishahs and their sons until the final years of the Ottoman Empire.

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Huseyin185 - CC BY-SA 3.0
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