Abuko Nature Reserve

Abuko National Park is a nature reserve in the Gambia lying south of the town of Abuko. It is a popular tourist attraction and was the country's first designated wildlife reserve.

The area was first accorded some measure of protection in 1916 when the Lamin Stream, which flows through the reserve, was fenced to form a water collection point.[1] The enclosure of the stream saw an increase in the stock of wildlife and flora in the forest.

In 1967 wildlife officer Eddie Brewer and his daughter Stella Marsden visited the area and realised the conservation importance of the forest and its wildlife. Brewer made a request to the government for the area to be protected.[1] In 1968 the Department of Wildlife, now the Gambia Department of Parks and Wildlife Management, was established at the reserve.[2]

 Lamin stream in February A monkey eating an orange in the park Example of the reserve's flora, including oil palms
^ a b Access Gambia website ^ FAO: Forest and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Ikiwaner - CC BY-SA 3.0
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