Kinderdijkse molens

( Xarxa de molins de Kinderdijk-Elshout )

La xarxa de molins de Kinderdijk-Elshout és un conjunt de 19 molins de vent, construïts cap al 1740, que es troba al municipi de Nieuw-Lekkerland, a la província de l'Holanda meridional (Països Baixos). L'any 1997 va ser inscrita a la llista del Patrimoni de la Humanitat de la UNESCO. Són un dels més coneguts llocs d'interès turístic d'Holanda.

Aquest grup de molins és la major concentració dels antics molins de vent dels Països Baixos. Kinderdijk està situat en un pòlder en la confluència dels rius Noord i Lek. Per poder drenar el pòlder es va haver de construir un sistema de 19 molins. Van estar actius fins al 1950, quan es van substituir per una estació de bombament.

History Origins

Kinderdijk first originated in its name in 1421 from a legend where a wave was said to have washed ashore a cradle that contained a sleeping baby.

Early years
Boundaries of the village of Kinderdijk

In the Alblasserwaard, problems with water became more and more apparent in the 13th century. Large canals, called weteringen in Dutch, were dug to get rid of the excess water in the polders. However, the drained soil continued to subside, while the level of the river rose due to the river's sand deposits. After a few centuries, an additional way to keep the polders dry was required.


It was decided to build a series of windmills, with a limited capacity to bridge water level differences, but just able to pump water into a reservoir at an intermediate level between the soil in the polder and the river.

The reservoir could be pumped out into the river by other windmills whenever the river level was low enough; the river level has both seasonal and tidal variations. Although some of the windmills are still used, the main water works are provided by two diesel pumping stations near one of the entrances of the windmills site.

World Heritage Site

Kinderdijk was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The village is a fascinating rural landscape with a total of 19 monument 18th-century windmills.

Fotografies de:
Travelinho - CC BY-SA 4.0
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