Rummu karjäär

( Rummu quarry )

The Rummu quarry is a submerged limestone quarry located in Rummu, Vasalemma Parish, Estonia, Europe. Much of the natural area of the quarry is under a lake formed by groundwater, and is situated next to a spoil tip. The quarry is close to two former prisons, the nearest being the former Rummu prison.

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729435618 ﺩﻮﻛ : :ﻞﺴﻠﺴﺘﻟﺍ ﺍﺬﻫ ﻰﻠﻋ ﻂﻐﺿﺍ / ﺮﻘﻧﺍ
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ﺏﺮﻘﻟﺎﺑ ﻡﻮﻨﻟﺍ ﻚﻨﻜﻤﻳ ﻦﻳﺃ Rummu quarry ?
6.287.170 ﺕﺍﺭﺎﻳﺰﻟﺍ ﻲﻟﺎﻤﺟﺇ, 9.281 ﻡﺎﻤﺘﻫﻻﺍ ﺕﻻﺎﺠﻣ, 405 ﻦﻛﺎﻣﻷﺍ, 98 ﻡﻮﻴﻟﺍ ﺭﻭﺰﻳ.