The Bialbero di Casorzo (Italian: "double tree of Casorzo") is situated between Grana and Casorzo in Piedmont, Italy. It is a mulberry tree on which a cherry tree grows. The cherry tree rises well above the mulberry tree on which it stands.

Epiphytical growing trees are not unusual, but they normally reach a small size and have a short lifespan, as there is normally not enough humus and space available where they grow.

Large epiphytes like this one require that the "upper tree" have a root connection to the ground, for example by growing down through a hollow trunk.

alfio cioffi from Asti, Italia - CC BY-SA 2.0
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ﺏﺮﻘﻟﺎﺑ ﻡﻮﻨﻟﺍ ﻚﻨﻜﻤﻳ ﻦﻳﺃ Bialbero di Casorzo ?
510.675 ﺕﺍﺭﺎﻳﺰﻟﺍ ﻲﻟﺎﻤﺟﺇ, 9.227 ﻡﺎﻤﺘﻫﻻﺍ ﺕﻻﺎﺠﻣ, 405 ﻦﻛﺎﻣﻷﺍ, 455 ﻡﻮﻴﻟﺍ ﺭﻭﺰﻳ.